Frequently Asked Questions

All the content in FarmoutAngel is collated by our team of scouts and analysis; it is derived from scouting, industry intelligence and public information.

We try to ensure that the information is reliable, however we realise that inaccuracies and errors can occur. We would advise all users to verify information with the representative oil companies and mandated advisors.

This is the market value that our scouts and analysts have placed on the whole asset or block. It is calculated by FarmoutAngel from the equity offered and the consideration sought.

This is the estimated amount of investment required to achieve a substantial equity position. It takes into account the work obligations as well as the asset prospectivity and commerciality.

If you are an oil company, mandated advisor or government representative and you think that information is wrong, please contact us and we will be sure make the necessary changes.

If you are an industry professional and you think that information is wrong, please contact us and we will consider incorporating your suggestions.

Many of the farmouts have Mandated Advisors, if this is the case, please contact them via their website. You can also contact the respective oil companies via their website.

We would be pleased to list your farmout, please contact us.